The property market should get used to single digit growth for a while, according to the latest BIS Shrapnel report into the residential pro…

The property market should get used to single digit growth for a while, according to the latest BIS Shrapnel report into the residential pro…
Since the middle of the last decade, the average hold period of homes has continually increased as affordability barriers and high exit cost…
Let’s face it, we’re living through a period of great economic volatility, and a lot of what we hear from the media lately is scary stuff. …
Water usage figures suggest more than 90,000 homes in Melbourne are possibly unoccupied, according to research by lobbying groups Earthshari…
Prudent means to be: discreet or cautious in managing one’s activities; circumspect practical and careful in providing for the future;…
Collapsed builder Reed Construction is confident of winning a legal claim of between $50 million and $60 million from the NSW govermnme…
The government ensures that employers put 9% of your earnings into a qualifying superannuation fund. But then what? Most Australians have…
Clive Palmer is becoming the prince of Paradise Point on the Gold Coast. The Brisbane-based mining tycoon now owns seven residential prop…
Australian housing prices are unlikely to rise in winter despite an increase in buyer enquiries, says McGrath Estate Agents chief executive …
In one of his early moves as the new Premier of Queensland, Campbell Newman reinstated state stamp duty concessions for principal places of …
In a boon for businesses, the Victorian Government has approved plans for six new suburbs with as many as 100,000 residents expected to move…
RBA governor Glenn Stevens delivered a ‘solid’ speech last week. Solid being a favoured, if over-exercised, bromide for central bankers. Ste…