The property management arm of ASX-listed Ariadne has been fined by the Brisbane Magistrates Court for defrauding landlords, after finding t…

The property management arm of ASX-listed Ariadne has been fined by the Brisbane Magistrates Court for defrauding landlords, after finding t…
The lacklustre retail environment will have a huge impact on the property sector, with a new BIS Shrapnel report predicting retail real esta…
Capital city property values rose 1.9% in June led by gains in Sydney and Melbourne, according to the RP Data-Rismark Home Value Index. S…
Estate agent Michael Wilkes has been sentenced to five years’ jail for misappropriating $412,796.40 from trust accounts while operating inne…
RM Williams Agricultural Holdings, which spent several million dollars buying a cattle station in the Northern Territory back in 2007 as par…
The auctions market has ended the financial year on a solid note, with first-home buyers rushing to take advantage of federal and state-base…
Australian household wealth is back to record levels and combined with an improving appetite for spending could be good news for a property …
Economist Saul Eslake says he is not particularly troubled about the risks of a ‘housing bubble’ re-forming in Australia following Citi Rese…
When master investor Warren Buffet said: “Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful”, was he encouraging the …
The Australian Tax Office is warning users of the virtual currency Bitcoin that it can track who is using it following concerns that it coul…
Melbourne and Sydney continue to deliver solid results in the property market and show no signs of slowing despite the typically tough winte…
The world’s wealthiest have recouped the losses incurred in the 2008 banking crisis, and are now richer and more numerous than ever. To…