The property market is set to deliver a bumper year, following yet another week of solid auction clearance rates. The sector is increasing…

The property market is set to deliver a bumper year, following yet another week of solid auction clearance rates. The sector is increasing…
Kevin Rudd’s first-home buyer housing initiative – the first-home saver account (FHSA) incentive – has topped 40,000 savings accounts wi…
A recent Victorian Supreme Court decision in favour of a Melbourne apartment owner that operates serviced apartments in a Docklands resident…
I remember the days when experts predicted we would be working just 14 to 15 hours a week by now and would have so much leisure time we woul…
Real estate businesses will come under scrutiny from the ATO to ensure they are meeting their employee superannuation guarantee obligations….
Our property markets have turned the corner and there are more people interested in getting into property investment. However, if histor…
Not to be outbid by Asian investors, local investors are reasserting their presence in the Melbourne CBD and city fringe, according to Colli…
This Friday, the housing finance figures for May will be pored over by economists in Federal Treasury, and especially the Reserve Bank, for …
Australia needs to build more houses and apartments than it has done in the past as population growth picks up, interest rates remain low an…
The Big Australia vs Small Australia debate was all the rage a few years ago, but that argument now seems to have gone by the wayside. In…
Despite record retail property transactions in 2012 and continued keen interest from both institutional and private investors, the retail pr…
Mortgage delinquency rates have continued to increase despite several drops in the official interest rate, with arrears now set to return to…