Fast forward a few weeks and the federal election will be over, the result will be known and we’ll be getting on with our lives. So wh…

Fast forward a few weeks and the federal election will be over, the result will be known and we’ll be getting on with our lives. So wh…
Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane have maintained their ranking among the world’s most expensive cities for global retailers, despite a backd…
Australia could experience “the mother of all dwelling booms”, according to the veteran columnist Robert Gottliebsen. “Australians are go…
Well, the election result will be known very soon, confidence will be rising, interest rates will remain low and affordability will be the b…
It’s been another stellar weekend for Australia’s property market, with Sydney tracking at record-breaking levels and Melbourne reaching…
Great news for those interested in property investment and another blow for the property bears (yes, they’re still out there waiting for t…
The outlook for the retail property market remains distinctly gloomy with an oversupply of retail property expected to persist until at lea…
Purchasers of the most expensive homes in Australia are hit with the fourth highest stamp duties on property purchases in the developed wo…
Property investment is not something you should enter into lightly. But for some reason, that’s what a lot of people who have dreams of ma…
Regardless of whether you view housing as overvalued or not, it is unlikely there will be sustained in growth in asset values above 7% per …
It was the narrowest of victories for the Adelaide sister contestants Alisa and Lysandra who now are thinking of becoming professional int…
As our property markets show signs of life again, many investors recognise that this cycle will be different to the last; it will be a cycl…