The majority of Baby Boomers in Australia don’t have enough superannuation for a comfortable retirement and that’s a worry! So how much do…

The majority of Baby Boomers in Australia don’t have enough superannuation for a comfortable retirement and that’s a worry! So how much do…
The number of people running businesses in the construction industry rose slightly in the year to February 2014, following a dramatic drop…
Investors should seek an independent second opinion when investing their super savings in property, according to the Real Estate Buyer’s A…
When it comes time to make big financial decisions, research consistently shows that women more frequently hold the purse strings than men. …
The nature of Australian media makes it difficult to have a genuine debate on any subject and real estate is no different. This is particula…
Is this the end of the current property cycle? The media has been busy reporting the biggest single-month decline in house prices in more th…
The RBA will be interested that national house values have fallen in May, as they have in each of the past three Mays. But May’s fall is t…
This piece of advice may be different to what others recommend, but it may save you a heap of investment headaches down the track. I know th…
Property is one of the greatest investments for long-term wealth creation and there is no one that argues that point stronger than me! Howev…
Following last week’s public hearing, the Senate Economics Legislation Committee is preparing to report on its inquiry into a government b…
By now it should be overwhelmingly clear – the government has no interest in housing affordability and they will not take any measure to l…
The federal government intends axing the Tools for Your Trade grants program for a loans scheme because apprentices misused the scheme ins…