Allowing first home buyers to access their superannuation to buy property before the preservation age would “destroy universal retirement …

Allowing first home buyers to access their superannuation to buy property before the preservation age would “destroy universal retirement …
Real estate investment seminars are in the spotlight again with the competition watchdog instituting proceedings against property training c…
Our property markets have performed strongly for a few years, but have now slowed down leaving many investors wondering is it too late this …
After several decades working in this industry, I often get asked for advice. I am referring to the casual questions that family, friends an…
The owner of a four bedroom brick home in the northern Sydney suburb of Epping has pocketed $1.37 million on the sale of the property they p…
Strong equity and property investment markets helped to create 43,500 new Australian millionaires in 2014, according to the latest report ab…
If the media is to be believed, the reason the real estate market is so hot is due to foreigners, especially Chinese, turning up with blank …
The Prime Minister’s clampdown on foreign investors in Australian real estate has been revealed as little more than a revenue raising exer…
Last week I wrote a blog about four surefire ways to lose money in property and it must have struck a chord as tens of thousands of invest…
Overseas property investors will be hit with extra fees of at least $5000 when purchasing properties in Australia, if plans flagged yesterda…
An incredibly strong auction weekend set the scene for a remarkable auction in Sydney’s north at the weekend, when a house in the suburb o…
I was interested to read that in the past couple of years Australia added around 125,000 new millionaires to its population of high-net-wort…