Water usage figures suggest more than 90,000 homes in Melbourne are possibly unoccupied, according to research by lobbying groups Earthshari…

Water usage figures suggest more than 90,000 homes in Melbourne are possibly unoccupied, according to research by lobbying groups Earthshari…
Prudent means to be: discreet or cautious in managing one’s activities; circumspect practical and careful in providing for the future;…
Collapsed builder Reed Construction is confident of winning a legal claim of between $50 million and $60 million from the NSW govermnme…
The government ensures that employers put 9% of your earnings into a qualifying superannuation fund. But then what? Most Australians have…
The world’s housing market decline accelerated during the March quarter, with house price falls in 26 countries and house price gains in o…
WA’s Supreme Court has ruled that a “rent to buy” scheme operated illegally because the owners were not licensed estate agents and also mi…
It’s possibly the biggest property question in wintery Melbourne as home buyers and investors start getting shown through the renovated So…
Melbourne’s property market remained weak in May, with dwelling values falling 2.7% to a median of $490,000, the biggest monthly fall of …
The Paddington terrace over which Academy Award-nominated actor Toni Collette and her musician husband, David Galafassi, face property settl…
Approximately 99.7% of the earth’s people believe Australia is the strongest, wealthiest, most fortunate nation on the planet. The 0.3% wh…
Melbourne registered a 7.3% increase in housing affordability over the March quarter, with the overall national HIA-Commonwealth Bank Housin…
Dear Aunty B, I have built a website and now I am looking for advertising revenue. The website appeals to two different types of people: …