I’m grateful for many of my bad customers. They’ve taught me so much. I think that my journey to love bad customers started with Wa…

I’m grateful for many of my bad customers. They’ve taught me so much. I think that my journey to love bad customers started with Wa…
SmartCompany budget coverage:Big issue: It’s a hotch potch… Tax overview: How the budget affects your business?Your wealth: Tax cuts: Wh…
In a budget that handed out a bit here and a bit there, small and medium business got little more than a thankyou from the Treasurer. By AMA…
Raising the threshold for the 30% tax rate means tax cuts for the vast majority of Australians. By TERRY HAYES of Thomson Legal & Regulatory…
The 2007 federal budget eases the tax burden on individuals and SMEs, with the promise of more next year. By TERRY HAYES of Thomson Legal & …
Focus on sales may leave companies ripe for takeoverBuoyant market conditions and the pressure to focus on revenue growth has left many comp…
Don’t measure up? It may be simply a matter of changing the yardstick. Never mind the costs, feel the add-back!Regular readers will know …
Rising wages to fuel budget bonanzaBooming wages and record commodity prices should see Treasurer Peter Costello report a massive $13.6 bill…
Who’s talking: Christine Christian Talking to: Amanda GomeCompany: Dun & Bradstreet Listen to the podcast Christine Christian is…
The federal budget is coming next week – we know that tax changes are afoot. Knowing your options now can be a great help. By TERRY HAYES of…
Interest rates to stay on holdThe Reserve Bank of Australia announced this morning that it has decided to keep the standard cash interest ra…
Buying a shop offers property investors a useful diversification away from residential, but they should check carefully before committing th…