The Abbott government will soon ask the Productivity Commission to review the Fair Work system. In parallel with that review, we need a more…
The Abbott government will soon ask the Productivity Commission to review the Fair Work system. In parallel with that review, we need a more…
The federal government has launched an inquiry into the barriers to setting up and closing businesses in Australia. The inquiry will be unde…
Australian retailers face unnecessarily high costs due to government red tape, according to a Productivity Commission study released today. …
I was pleased to see on the front page of The Australian Financial Review last week that the Productivity Commission has reported doubts tha…
A draft report from the Productivity Commission has questioned the benefits of the federal government’s paid parental leave scheme, recomm…
The big supermarket players may be happy to compete over the price of milk, but both Coles and Woolies want an even playing field when it co…
The latest report on Australia’s productivity performance wasn’t good news. The annual update by the Productivity Commission confirmed A…
Australia is slipping in the global rankings for productivity according to research published today by the Productivity Commission. The Prod…
A leading tax body is calling for the cost of childcare to be tax deductible, as a way to encourage women to return to the workforce. The Ta…
Small businesses feel the consequences of regulation more than any other type of business, and changes should be made to the entire regulato…
Regulators need to better understand the plight of small business and realise SMEs are strapped for time when it comes to catching up with n…
Restaurant and café owners are rejoicing after a bill passed federal parliament last week which exempts them from providing separate menus …