Often people with subject matter expertise have great difficulty in presenting to a group, even though with friends they may be upbeat and e…
Often people with subject matter expertise have great difficulty in presenting to a group, even though with friends they may be upbeat and e…
Mapping out a plan for a speech or presentation before you deliver it will greatly improve your chances of landing a client, motivating your…
Mapping out a plan for a speech or presentation before you deliver it will greatly improve your chances of landing a client, motivating your…
By Andrea Clarke
We all know the feeling. We step into the lift and no one else is in there. Except for the CEO. We’re seated around th…
Business owners and entrepreneurs should give visual clues and highlight important points if they want their presentations to be twice as me…
Public speaking can often become a barrage of cliches.
For Bill McGowan, chief executive of Clarity Media Group and author of Pitch Perfe…
You might have a great product that solves a pain point for your customers and a hard-working team who believe in your mission. You might…
Name: Emma Bannister Company: Presentation Studio Location: Sydney Despite being a self-confessed introvert, Emma Bannister is…
Earlier in the week, Aunty B gave advice on how to deal with the never-ending onslaught of business meetings. Here’s another take on how t…
Storytelling in business has emerged as a key leadership competency and communication skill. When done well it is a powerful method to co…
If the thought of getting up in front of a group of people to deliver a presentation scares you, rest assured you’re not alone. A recent s…
When pitching to a potential client, how do you stand out from the competition?
Small business owners often find themselves competing aga…