As a lawyer who spends a lot of time advising business owners on exporting, there is one phrase that sends a shiver down my spine: “What c…

As a lawyer who spends a lot of time advising business owners on exporting, there is one phrase that sends a shiver down my spine: “What c…
Who says technology can be antisocial? My family website means we can log on and catch up whenever we like. It was during a di…
The latest accessory among the ranks of Australia’s wealthiest entrepreneurs? A ‘For Sale’ sign. What has spurred the big sell-off? JA…
How much information do we really need? What it the right information to capture and manage? I like to keep it as simple as possible. …
Reasons not to buy an iPhoneRich lawyers get richerAustralian directors more worker friendly Five reasons not to buy an iPhoneTechRepublic …
Ask me anything … well, almost anything, about Google AdWords. I’ve done the exam, got the certificate and the warm, fuzzy feeling. Tha…
The best laid plans of managers count for nothing if the customer has not been consulted. I came across a “strategy” document the o…
A fresh crop of offerings from Apple satisfies the tech-hungry among us. Fresh ApplesThe Apple machine continues to satiate the tech-hungry…
iPhone sales surpriseBlogging hits the mainstreamAustralia on the radariPhone sale surpriseThe hype surrounding the iPhone looks to have som…
Remember this blog – by mid-September we will know if my mid-October warning is looming. PortentsGrab your red pen and mark mid-Septembe…
Not every SME is going to look great on paper, and certainly can’t sit back and wait for the phone to ring if they need a capital injectio…
Don’t be surprised if you see someone walking down the street chatting on an iPhone sometime soon – the much-hyped device has already be…