Helen Anderson, Ian Ramsay, and Jasper Hedges, University of Melbourne, and Michelle Welsh, Monash University
To stamp out illegal phoe…
A former Noodle Box franchisee has appeared in court on two charges of fraudulent conduct in relation to allegations of illegal phoenix acti…
Phoenix activity has been the subject of scrutiny by the ATO for some time but the taxman has recently raided businesses without prior notic…
Contractors who engage in phoenix activity in the construction industry are expected to face charges soon as a result of a joint investigati…
The corporate watchdog has once again announced a crackdown on phoenix activity, announcing it will target company directors with a history …
New legislation designed to make directors of phoenix companies personally liable for any tax debts incurred has been praised as a step in t…
The Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia and the company directors’ body have welcomed the Government’s decision to postpone…