One of Australia’s most prominent employment lawyers has asked the Federal Court to let him appeal adverse findings made against him perso…

One of Australia’s most prominent employment lawyers has asked the Federal Court to let him appeal adverse findings made against him perso…
Former David Jones chief Mark McInnes might be feeling quietly vindicated today after Justice Rares singled out Harmers Workplace Lawyers fo…
The reputation of the Federal Labor Government among businesses continues to falter, new figures show, as Prime Minister Julia Gillard attem…
Billionaire Clive Palmer has announced he will seek preselection as a Coalition candidate in Wayne Swan’s seat of Lilley, citing the recen…
The controversy over former House of Representatives speaker Peter Slipper continues with allegations of sexual harassment and travel rorts,…
It’s hard to know which story was more predictable – that the A-League soccer grand final would end in farce, or that Labor’s hand-picked …