Data-matching is set to catch out those in the cash economy. TERRY HAYES explains how it will work. By Terry HayesData-matching is set to c…

Data-matching is set to catch out those in the cash economy. TERRY HAYES explains how it will work. By Terry HayesData-matching is set to c…
New minimum employment conditions that will cover the majority of employees around the country were released by Employment and Workplace Rel…
Business owners that seek to avoid tax by taking illegal cash-in-hand payments are set to become a renewed target of scrutiny from the taxma…
New laws that would usher in a new regulatory regime for the tax industry will impose unfair obligations on tax agents if they are not chang…
A leading workplace lawyer says the Rudd Government’s push to nationalise occupational health and safety laws is unlikely to reduce red ta…
The Australian Taxation Office has warned that it will closely scrutinise the affairs of business owners and tax scheme promoters that engag…
The Federal Government has announced the minimum salary level for foreign workers holding section 457 visas will increase by 3.8% from 1 Aug…
Even directors of small companies can be held liable for the tax debts of their businesses. And they may have less time to pay those debts t…
Business owners have limited options to minimise their tax – and they’re disappearing rapidly. MICHAEL LAURENCE runs through 10 of the b…
Business could find it easier to comply with consumer protection laws, but face tougher penalties for any breach under the recommendations o…
A South Australian parliamentary inquiry into the franchising sector has recommended tightening of disclosure requirements in the industry, …
At around 2:30pm (AEST) the South Australian Parliament’s Economic and Finance Committee will table its report from an inquiry into franchis…