Research firm Gartner now predicts PC shipments will reach 409 million during 2011, along with a 14.3% increase in shipments for the current…

Research firm Gartner now predicts PC shipments will reach 409 million during 2011, along with a 14.3% increase in shipments for the current…
Gartner has lowered global forecasts for PC sales for the second half of the year due to the continued economic volatility in the US and Eur…
New figures from research firm IDC show businesses are catching up to consumers in PC sales, with growth of more than 24% during the first q…
A new poll from a shopping and reviews site in the US has led some tech bloggers to predict Apple may not set the price of its upcoming tabl…
There is one area in which these tough times will be very efficient – sorting the businesses that will be set for success in the next boom…
The Consumer Electronics Show held in Las Vegas last week saw a host of exciting new products launched, but none were bigger than the new sm…
This year’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas has come to a close, and if the new product announcements are anything to go by, 2009 w…
For all those PC users who hate Microsoft Vista – prepare to salivate. Windows 7 may be just around the corner. For all those PC users w…
Fans of the iPhone will tell you the Wi-Fi capability, media player or “push” email features aren’t what make the gadget so worthwhile…
There is only one thing an entrepreneur loves more than closing a big deal or finding about a new tax break – discovering a hot new gadget…
Sales of Apple’s Macbook computer range have begun to slow, leading many to believe the computer giant is finally being hit by the downtur…
The internet bad guys never take a break (because they don’t deserve one). Here’s what you need to do before heading off. PAUL WALLBANK …