Collectable debt owed to the Australian Taxation Office increased by 6.5% in 2012-13 to almost $18 billion, with small business owing the AT…

Collectable debt owed to the Australian Taxation Office increased by 6.5% in 2012-13 to almost $18 billion, with small business owing the AT…
While Tony Abbott and his cabinet were sworn in yesterday, the biggest announcement of the day for small businesses didn’t actually have a…
A report from CPA Australia into the compulsory superannuation guarantee two decades after its inception has linked rising household debt le…
The Australian Taxation Office has launched a campaign against tax avoidance schemes run by trust funds and debt-laden companies. The tax …
Business and industry groups have once again called on the federal government to abolish its plan to cap self-education expense deductions, …
The push to reverse a government cap on self-education expenses has been given new life now Kevin Rudd has become the Prime Minister, with o…
With only three days to go until the end of financial year, small businesses must now consider a new tax measure which could save them hundr…
Australian self-managed superannuation fund professionals are urging people to seek advice before establishing an SMSF, or risk inadequately…
The tax industry has urged the government to quickly pass new reforms which would place financial advisers giving tax advice under new regul…
Australia recorded the eighth highest business tax rate in a 26 country comparison study published today by accounting and consultancy firm …
A Coalition government will delay increases to the superannuation guarantee for two years and small business will be a cabinet portfolio wit…
Economists are predicting the Reserve Bank of Australia will keep interest rates on hold today, but say a further cut of a quarter of a perc…