Richard Becker, managing director of the Becker Film Group – a family-run film distribution company – says that he has been emotionall…
Staying focused and passionate might be easy in the early days of your startup, but how do people keep momentum over professional careers th…
Marita Cheng was the 2012 Young Australian of the Year and is a technology entrepreneur and advocate for women in technology. Ahead of speak…
The search for a co-founder can be as daunting as dating and is just as critical as finding a life partner. Because at the crux of any start…
One of the most common pieces of career advice I hear comes in the form of just three words: Follow your passion. Established leaders say…
It’s no secret that women comprise the fastest growing cohort of start-up entrepreneurs. Why? Well, there’s lots of reasons but let’s start …
To be the best at what you do, you need to stick at it long enough to develop the specialist skills to master it. If you’re working every da…
I’ve always been really inspired by my father-in-law who left the forestry industry when he was about my age to become a doctor. I know so m…
If you are starting a new business, I think the key ingredient to success, more than funding, more than ideas, more than planning and strate…
I just got some feedback that a potential client was ready to do the deal, but when I was rolled out at the final meeting my performance did…