Music licensor APRA forced to spill the beans on fees as watchdog pushes for transparency Competition Matthew Elmas 14 July 2020 Small businesses are hoping music licensing fees will change in Australia after the ACCC decided APRA must provide more transparency.
“It’s a scam”: Music licensing scheme faces revolt as senators take a look Industries Matthew Elmas 30 July 2019 Music licensing scheme One Music and its backer APRA are facing a revolt on both sides of their industry as the dispute turns heads in Canberra.
Calls to review “ambiguous” One Music licensing scheme, as SMEs face hefty cost hikes Legal Matthew Elmas 4 July 2019 The APRA faces calls for its new music licensing scheme to be delayed, as an industry tussle over its ACCC authorisation wages on.
Music in stores: ACCC demands music licensing reform as complexity complaints pile up Legal Matthew Elmas 6 June 2019 The competition regulator wants APRA AMCOS to change its operating model for music licensing before it gives it a tick of approval.
Music fees: New structure released for cafes and restaurants amid cost concerns Retail Matthew Elmas 2 November 2018 Businesses playing music in their stores, cafes or restaurants will need to move over to a new system in the coming months as concern over costs builds.
Music in stores: Licensing fees set to increase as “illogical” system causes headaches for business owners Retail Matthew Elmas 8 October 2018 COSBOA chief executive Peter Strong is calling for urgent action to help small business owners better navigate music licensing fees.