Blogging across both LinkedIn and the BlueChilli and SheStarts websites, SheStarts director Nicola Hazell maintains a strong voice for diver…
Ten emerging founders from eight startups have been selected for the opportunity to take part in round two of BlueChilli’s impressive SheS…
SheStarts director Nicola Hazell recently sat own with one of the US’ leading spokespeople on female entrepreneurship and investment, Rene…
What do a shark-scientist, an accountant, an urban designer, a farmer and a veterinarian have in common?
In this case, they’re all wome…
BlueChilli’s female-led startup accelerator SheStarts is looking to help its alumni network go global as it opens applications for its secon…
You can’t exclude half the population when seeking to build a global economy driven by innovation, writes Nicola Hazell, from the OECD For…
“I’m sick of talking about the fact that I’m a female. I’d like to be complimented about something that I’ve actually achieved, no…