When you are trying to generate ideas, it is well worth bringing as many people into the process as possible. Some of the people you should …
When you are trying to generate ideas, it is well worth bringing as many people into the process as possible. Some of the people you should …
There are countless ways for business owners to boost profits. Raising prices and cutting costs provide a great starting point, but entre…
Starting up a new venture, or launching a new product, is fraught with danger – and ripe with myths – for both greenhorn and veteran ent…
Dear Aunty B, I am a bit of an introvert and have been making myself go to networking meetings. I have got better at going up and introducin…
I drink a lot of coffee. Unless I have decided to be completely anti-social I normally meet someone for coffee twice a day. It’s part of my …
The other week I had coffee with Chris Stewart who is a Melbourne-based entrepreneur and strategic foresight consultant. Both Chris and I ha…
Two weeks or so ago I took part in a panel session on networking for CIOs. It was an interesting conversation, although it pretty much centr…
I have this idea I like to play with which I call the “Alternative Resume”. Everyone we meet in business has a resume. It’s normally …
Imagine this scenario…. You go to a networking event, hovering at the edges of the crowd, desperately searching for someone you know…
Dear Aunty B, I am a mum of three under five and a business owner. I caught up with a friend on the weekend who runs a similar type of busi…
Each day most of you get a lunch break. Many though will work straight through it (I know I’m guilty of this). Working straight through lunc…
It’s an old but true saying that you’re judged by the company you keep and this applies online as much as anywhere else in personal and prof…