In 2006 a book by Rhonda Byrne called The Secret made headlines as a blueprint for creating wealth and abundance through positive thinking. …

In 2006 a book by Rhonda Byrne called The Secret made headlines as a blueprint for creating wealth and abundance through positive thinking. …
With the heady smell of economic downturn and rolling financial crises in the air there are not many odours of optimism about new ventures w…
Facebook is still the big kahuna of the social media triumvirate. Facebook’s power as a business tool lies in the enormous penetration of …
The mystery and power of the tweet is still a somewhat confusing area for many mumpreneurs. Let me say at the outset, like all social…
Last weekend, a host of mothers who have started their own businesses, better known as “mumpreneurs”, gathered in Sydney for the 2011 Au…
Noticing a gap in the market for a network of service-based businesses run by stay-at-home mothers, Danielle Price launched Clever Mamma in …
For those avid readers of this blog, you will remember a previous post I did evangelising the joys of the blog. One sharp reader called me t…
In my interactions with different women’s networking groups and the regular discussions I have about female participation in business and …
Mumpreneurs can learn from Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte when it comes to partnerships. A mumpreneur client said to me…
Four years after starting her virtual assistant business Little Miss Useful, Nicole Hammett, with her husband Dave, has launched Picasso Med…
Anne Morrow Lindbergh said the most exhausting thing you can do is to be inauthentic. Authenticity is so vital to brand values and the…
If you are part of the world’s super rich, you have little chance of being an eccentric, unknown recluse these days. Endless rich lists an…