Businesses today are doing a lot of work with technology companies offering cloud solutions. At the same time there are huge issues with glo…
Businesses today are doing a lot of work with technology companies offering cloud solutions. At the same time there are huge issues with glo…
Uber and Airbnb came under significant scrutiny at yesterday’s Senate inquiry into corporate tax minimisation but there is actually ver…
Technology is allowing small and medium sized business to disrupt and compete with multinational corporations like never before, accordin…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott has promised a “dull and routine” budget this year but all indicators suggest his government’s second budge…
The integrity of the tax system is among the key themes of tonight’s budget, with Treasurer Joe Hockey set to announce a series of measure…
Have you ever felt restricted by the way you define your business’ success? Do you base your success on revenue, profitability, headcount,…
Multinational tech giants Google and Facebook could soon be charged goods and services tax on advertising booked by Australian companies if …
Will Australian companies be paying company tax and good and services tax in 2045? Maybe not, says Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey. Speaking to…
Customers queue outside Apple’s Sydney store: companies like Apple have come under fire for tax shifting Australian business groups are pu…
The leaders of the G20 nations are currently converging in Brisbane for this year’s summit. While some local small businesses have complai…
Australian Tax Office Commissioner Chris Jordan has welcome a request from Treasurer Joe Hockey for the ATO to “double its efforts” to e…