I bet you’ve come across the problem of broken web addresses in emails. It’s mostly due to the unwieldy length of some web addresses. Th…

I bet you’ve come across the problem of broken web addresses in emails. It’s mostly due to the unwieldy length of some web addresses. Th…
Cyber criminals are using malicious software embedded invisibly in popular websites to obtain valuable information from people visiting the …
The prevailing view seems to be that online shopping is usually the most cost effective way to shop, but is it supported by the facts? Consu…
Race day drinks? Don’t mix with work Tattoos [good ones] for kids Google’s mobile phone entry not what was expected Do your staff get p!…
Microsoft will pay $US240 million for a 1.6% stake in social networking site Facebook, valuing the company at $US15 billion. The extraordina…
SEO and SEM are too important to stuff-up. The biggest bank got it wrong – but we can all learn from its mistakes. Read on… SEO and Aus…
There’s a lot going on in the world, if you know where to look. Here are some snippets… A menagerie of musings this week, if you’ll indul…
The anti-snoring pillowSydney ranked world best by touristsWine clubs onlineOnline searches, the results are ineBay social network Magic pi…
Site where you rate VCsExcel 2007 miscalculatesSMEs ≠ SEM, SEOSmall business gets greener: survey Entrepreneurs gossip about investorsVe…
Microsoft is in talks to buy up to 5% of Facebook in a deal that could value the online social networking site at $US10 billion or more.The …
You have mail: you’re firedIs Google getting into social networking? The counter-offer as a retention strategyGoogle DoubleClick deal in t…
I switched a business to the free Open Office recently and it taught me the four rules of a successful changeover – which seem obvious now…