Microsoft chief executive officer Satya Nadella has said the company faces tough choices ahead regarding parts of the business that aren’t…

Microsoft chief executive officer Satya Nadella has said the company faces tough choices ahead regarding parts of the business that aren’t…
The end of security updates for Windows Server 2003 offers a good opportunity to plan for the future, to ensure that your servers keep worki…
Microsoft’s Windows 10 arrives on July 29 and the good news is that it will be a free update for most computers. If you’re running Windows 8…
Who loves an upgrade? Some of us do and some of us really wish the world would stop spinning and technology would stand still for a while. …
Microsoft has acquired the parent company of award-winning to-do list app Wunderlist for a sum estimated to be between $US100 million and $2…
Microsoft is gearing up to officially release Windows 10 on July 29 across PCs and tablets and later this year for smartphones, along with f…
Brillo, a cut-down version of Android aimed at embedded devices, and Weave, a framework designed to compete against Apple’s HomeKit API, w…
Google’s big annual developer conference, known as Google I/O, is about to kick off in California. Basically, you can divide the tech year…
You’ve probably heard the phrase the Internet of Things (IoT) bandied about lately, but what on earth is this latest buzzword that is …
Website owners who use the WordPress content management system can now create posts within Microsoft’s Office 365, allowing new posts to b…
In recent years, there have been persistent rumours that Apple has been working on a smart TV. But according to a report in the Wall Street …
Jokes about scientists, an explanation about how statistics can be manipulated and arguments about the sustainability of eating meat are jus…