A franchisee and one-time state representative for ice-cream and hot dog chain Wendys Supa Sundaes has shared the heartbreaking tale of how …

A franchisee and one-time state representative for ice-cream and hot dog chain Wendys Supa Sundaes has shared the heartbreaking tale of how …
The end of the year is always a time most people look forward to – fun, Christmas with family, time off work and a chance to get away for …
Technology is a constant factor in everyday life and should be leveraged more often to tackle mental health issues, according to a clinical…
Women are more likely than men to experience anxiety when a member of their family loses their job, according to research released this week…
Research released this week by the Diversity Council of Australia has found the stigma surrounding mental health is still prevalent in the w…
A Tasmanian employee of Australian Tax Office has failed in her bid for compensation from workplace insurer Comcare after the Administrative…
The number of employees seeking compensation over workplace-related stress is on the rise, with $273 million paid out during 2013-14 in Vict…
Close to half of Australian SMEs would not consider hiring someone with a mental illness, despite one in five Australians experiencing a men…
R U OK Day has once again brought attention to the stigma attached to mental health in the workplace and beyond. The national day of acti…
When is it okay to tell your workplace that you’re experiencing mental health problems? This is tough to answer, despite all the recent me…
Mental health costs Australian businesses an estimated $10.9 billion annually. According to research by Beyond Blue, one in five Australian …
A former employee of construction and engineering firm John Holland has been awarded compensation and full redundancy entitlements after the…