The owner of a business that hires mechanical bucking machines, including a bucking penis for hen’s night events, has become embroiled…

The owner of a business that hires mechanical bucking machines, including a bucking penis for hen’s night events, has become embroiled…
Pet food manufacturer Nestle Purina PetCare is facing a class action lawsuit in the United States over allegations one its dog food products…
An ad featuring an overloaded power board has attracted the ire of the ad watchdog, after viewers complained the Thirsty Camel TV commercial…
Payday lender Nimble has again been accused of exploiting people in financial hardship, with the Advertising Standards Board receiving three…
The Advertising Standards Board has dismissed a series of complaints over an ad featuring a computer-generated skydiving ape by car insuranc…
The Smirkey’s Sports store in South Hedland, WA A Western Australian sport and camping goods business has responded to complaints made about…
A Queensland business which makes storage vessels for kids food and beverages has had a complaint against it upheld by the Advertising Stand…
A still from the Bonds ad that has drawn complaints Bonds has attracted the attention of its customers with its latest advertising campaign,…
The operator of a Sydney brewery under pressure to change one of its labels for a second time says the company has “done everything we can…
A war of words is being fought out on the Facebook page of a Queensland restaurant, after a sign featuring the words ‘Sorry no Muslims’ …
The advertising watchdog has ruled against a television commercial that ridicules men with premature ejaculation problems for the second tim…
A television ad that featured married men singing about their search for “someone other than my wife” was the most complained about ad i…