Madigan wants to give manufacturers and farmers a bigger voice in Canberra Victorian senator John Madigan is the latest politician to establ…
Madigan wants to give manufacturers and farmers a bigger voice in Canberra Victorian senator John Madigan is the latest politician to establ…
Ahead of its launch the Apple Watch has been criticised for its price and upmarket focus, but the product shows how traditional industrie…
The federal government yesterday abandoned its proposed $500 million cut to assistance to the automotive industry. The Automotive Transfor…
The 3D-printed jet engine manufactured by the Monash University, CSIRO and Deakin University joint project (Photos: Science in Public) Las…
SMEs in the petroleum, heavy industry and machinery and scaffolding sectors should brace themselves for increasing market volatility, accord…
Haigh’s Chocolates, the family-owned chocolate business that turns 100 this year, will have a new employee to welcome into the fold in the…
A manufacturer of gourmet dog biscuits that supplied national retail chains including David Jones and Petbarn has collapsed into liquidation…
Two people are dead and a further three were injured following a nitrogen leak at LG Display’s 308,000 square metre display panel manufact…
Brisbane-based shipbuilding company Aluminium Boats Australia has collapsed into voluntary administration following the loss of one if its n…
Name: Michael O’Keeffe Age: 44 Company: Aesop Aesop’s worldwide headquarters is housed in an obscure brown brick warehouse on Melbourne�…
International specialist investor Re:Capital announced the acquisition of Aussie marshmallow, liquorice snowball manufacturer Betta Foods to…
Petrol retailers and convenience stores have faced the court to reject claims a third-party website listing petrol pump prices every 15 minu…