Lyft has raised another $US1 billion in funding and gained a powerful ally in General Motors in the fight with Uber to gain a fleet of aut…

Lyft has raised another $US1 billion in funding and gained a powerful ally in General Motors in the fight with Uber to gain a fleet of aut…
Uber is focusing legal efforts on learning more about an internet address linked to a data breach earlier this year that sources told Reuter…
The Californian employer watchdog has determined that an Uber driver should be classified as an employee, not an independent contractor, and…
If you are a driver for Uber or ride-sharing platform Lyft, a host on AirBnB, or a “tasker” doing odd jobs on TaskRabbit, you may consid…
Whether it’s getting chai-flavoured milkshakes delivered to your door at 11pm or hiring your own manservant to feed you grapes while you l…
The battle between transportation network startups Uber and Lyft isn’t a close fight, Wired reports. According to the research, which d…
Data revealed by transportation network company Lyft this month has led to claims Lyft’s competitor Uber is using aggressive and questiona…
A ride-sharing service that uses oversized pink moustaches to distinguish itself has spoken of its success at South by Southwest 2013, havin…