A forensic examination of a new generation of American CEOs – the most promising under 35, as determined by Forbes magazine – reveals so…

A forensic examination of a new generation of American CEOs – the most promising under 35, as determined by Forbes magazine – reveals so…
Since the advent of the internet, the power of the crowd has been foremost in the changing society. We have leaderless collaborations, s…
“Nine-tenths of tactics are certain and taught in the books; but, the irrational tenth is like the kingfisher flashing across the pool. This…
Last week I wrote about being a successful mentor. But what if you are looking for a mentor – how do you choose the right one? The firs…
A clear and exciting vision is the starting point for building a sustainable business and a strong culture. Nearly everyone wants to be part…
The collaborative process is a powerful way to engage team members and customers, but it also provides a platform to merge skills and game-c…
The leaders of Better Place have a big dream, but it is no longer shared by Australian entrepreneur Evan Thornley. Thornley resigned thi…
Here’s a little advice on decision-making from one of America’s founding fathers and most esteemed thinkers: “If you doubt, set down al…
A lot of really successful people put high value on having good mentors in their working lives. The help that a good mentor can provide will…
This year’s theme at RedBalloon is all about Customer Love. We have been playing a game to improve our NPS score… I was recently reminded …
Many years ago I had the supreme pleasure of sharing a stage and spending some quality time with Dr Denis Waitley. Don’t know him? Google hi…
Vodafone has changed its mind. The telecommunications company decided not to introduce new data charges for prepaid customers. It had planne…