It’s getting harder and harder to shake off this feeling that Australia is entering a new golden age. It happened again this week as we…

It’s getting harder and harder to shake off this feeling that Australia is entering a new golden age. It happened again this week as we…
Westpac is under pressure to increase interest rates on customers, chief executive Gail Kelly has reportedly told a private shareholders bri…
It’s about time our politicians started to face up to a real problem plaguing Australia – the lack of managerial talent in the public serv…
For an election year, Kevin Rudd is starting to chalk up a remarkable number of opponents. Over the weekend he added the Victorian Premier J…
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has said there is currently no timetable for when the Government will release the already controversial Henry tax …
The big response to my revelation that Assistant Treasurer Nick Sherry was endorsing a plan that would plunge large segments of the Australi…
One man has the potential to single handedly make Tony Abbott Prime Minister of Australia – Assistant Treasurer Nick Sherry. Sherry a…
?For most of the past decade we were predicting that in 10 or 20 years China would become the number one super power in the world. In t…
The Government’s $41 million rescue package for insulation businesses has been rejected by industry leaders, who have instead called for a n…
Revelations that 400,000 homes might have dodgy insulation should put the Rudd Government and specifically Environment Minister Peter Garret…
Pressure on Federal Environment Minister Peter Garrett is increasing, with the Opposition calling for his resignation and anoth…
A few days ago, the Australian Financial Review ran a front page story suggestions “banks are aggressively competing for new business custom…