The job of a business owner is irreplaceable, and it’s unlikely we’ll see robot entrepreneurs taking over any time soon. However, one expert…

The job of a business owner is irreplaceable, and it’s unlikely we’ll see robot entrepreneurs taking over any time soon. However, one expert…
By Saul Eslake, University of Tasmania
The Turnbull government’s signature economic policy at last year’s election was a 5% cut in t…
Australian tech success story Atlassian is one of the best employers of university graduates in 2017, according to the Australian Associatio…
Multibillion-dollar job search giant Seek and global recruitment platform Hudson have partnered with a Sydney startup accelerator to spot an…
The managing director for Etsy Australia and Asia is joining the board of a Sydney startup that provides small business owners with a 100% c…
By Michelle Grattan, University of Canberra
Bill Shorten will put creating new jobs, sustaining existing ones, and training and retraini…
The Turnbull government has just appointed its third innovation minster since December 2015, after the resignation of health minister Sussan…
By Jesse Adams Stein, University of Technology Sydney
With the appointment of Arthur Sinodinos as minister for industry, innovation and …
By Damian Oliver, Andrew Stewart, Anne Hewitt and Paula McDonald
Most young Australians undertake unpaid work experience as part of t…
By Phil Lewis, University of Canberra
Over the last few years, we’ve seen a massive shift in the way we work. Thousands of Australians…
The budget deficit will increase $10 billion over the next four years, according to the government’s Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook,…
There are various laws protecting mums from discrimination at work, including upon their return from parental leave. But the law says very l…