Can I blame the media? Why not! They still don’t seem to get the virtual world. Believing what you read I was scouring my Google news aler…

Can I blame the media? Why not! They still don’t seem to get the virtual world. Believing what you read I was scouring my Google news aler…
IR brings left and right into centreThe surprise Coalition changes to WorkChoices announced Friday and which came into effect yesterday mean…
After I realised that ‘content’ was all search engines were interested in, the next step seemed a lot easier. How to win the search engin…
Don’t buy, hire onlineHere’s a cheap way to promote your goods for hire. New Zealand-based Hire Things is like an eBay for renting goods…
Rising wages to fuel budget bonanzaBooming wages and record commodity prices should see Treasurer Peter Costello report a massive $13.6 bill…
Business is not happy with the deal it is getting from the banks, but (at last) the banks are starting to listen. By JASON BRYCE. By Jason …
Interest rates to stay on holdThe Reserve Bank of Australia announced this morning that it has decided to keep the standard cash interest ra…
New ultra-fine mp3 playerA credit-card-thin mp3 player is one of the new gadgets on display at the CeBIT Australia technology conference in …
Howard’s generous industry packagePrime Minister John Howard today hit back at Labor with a massive assistance package for business includ…
Online gurus look into the digital futureOnline gurus from around the world have been sharing ideas at the ad:tech conference in San Francis…
The shooting match last week between Dell and HP shows what a challenge Second Life and virtual worlds are for marketers. The post-networ…
Huge IR battle breakoutFederal Minister for Small Business, Fran Bailey, has slammed Labor’s family friendly measures announced at the wee…