Microsoft is gearing up to release the newest version of its operating system, Windows 8. With an October launch looming, the latest build o…
Microsoft is gearing up to release the newest version of its operating system, Windows 8. With an October launch looming, the latest build o…
Apple finally won a $US1 billion case against Samsung last week after a trial that lasted more than a year and cost hundreds of millions of …
Louis Christopher is the managing director of SQM Research, a property research group. But his favourite piece of tech isn’t anything to d…
What does a printing company do when it doesn’t make printers anymore? Lexmark has just announced that it will stop making Inkjet print…
Yahoo is examining replacing passwords with a security system based on identifying photos of friends from social media sites, according to a…
Users with large collections of digital downloads will not be able to bequeath them to descendants after their death, according to legal exp…
Application development software is projected to be worth $US9 billion a year by the end of 2012, according to new market research figures r…
It was meant to be the next Facebook. But its founders have now moved on to greener pastures. Diaspora was started by a group of New York…
Senior Samsung executives have held crisis meetings in the wake of the electronics giants’ $US1.05 billion smartphone patent lawsuit loss, a…
Google has issued a statement in response to the verdict in the Apple vs Samsung smartphone patent case and its implications for the Android…
Twitter has joined an international standards body, the Linux Foundation, responsible for funding development of the open source Linux opera…
Samsung infringed on Apple’s patents and must pay $US1 billion in damages. That was the jury decision over the weekend in what has been…