When Apple launched the iPhone 5, it announced that it was replacing the original iPhone 30-pin dock connector with a new “lightning” co…
When Apple launched the iPhone 5, it announced that it was replacing the original iPhone 30-pin dock connector with a new “lightning” co…
A senior Nokia executive responsible for the company’s smartphone marketing strategy has left the company just weeks before the launch of …
Nokia is expected to launch its flagship Windows Phone 8-based Lumia 920 smartphone in the US through AT&T on November 4, according to r…
Samsung has filed a request to dismiss a $US1 billion patent infringement lawsuit it lost to Apple on the grounds that the foreman failed to…
Eight years in the making, Facebook now has more than one billion members. Mark Zuckerberg’s social experiment turned good made the ann…
Nokia has released a new promotional video encouraging users to switch from their “monochromatic” iPhones to a colourful new Lumia on th…
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis has released a working paper arguing the economic case for abolishing intellectual property patents, w…
Scientists at the Tokyo University of Science have revealed they are working on sodium-ion batteries, which can be created from refined suga…
It’s been a year since Steve Jobs passed away, and Tim Cook took over as chief executive of the biggest tech company in the world – and …
Samsung’s $US1 billion loss to Apple in a smartphone patent lawsuit and the release of Apple’s iPhone 5 unexpectedly boosted Samsung Gal…
Ex-Nokia smartphone start-up Jolla has raised $US258 million in funding and might be gearing up to announce a smartphone as soon as next mon…
A leading US law professor specialising in intellectual property law has released a paper arguing the US Federal Government should play a gr…