JobKeeper powers: How employees get paid, stand down orders explained, and penalties for rule breakers Coronavirus Matthew Elmas 9 April 2020 What you need to know about paying JobKeeper recipient employees, issuing stand down orders, and what happens if businesses get it wrong.
The JobKeeper package isn’t perfect, but will it be effective? Coronavirus The Conversation 9 April 2020 In ordinary times, there wouldn’t be a lot of support for a $130 billion JobKeeper wage subsidy. But these aren’t ordinary times.
Employers granted extraordinary new powers under Morrison’s $130 billion JobKeeper scheme Coronavirus Matthew Elmas 8 April 2020 Federal Parliament is meeting today to pass the Morrison government's $130 billion JobKeeper package. Here's what we know about who will be eligible.
JobKeeper subsidies for sole traders: How do I know if I’m eligible, and how much money will I get? Coronavirus Eloise Keating 31 March 2020 Sole traders and self-employed people will be among the six million Australians who will gain access to the government’s $130 billion wage subsidy program.