“We are tired, but excited,” says Roger Jowett, the CEO and part-owner of Hastie Services Group, a new entity born from its dying parent, Ha…

“We are tired, but excited,” says Roger Jowett, the CEO and part-owner of Hastie Services Group, a new entity born from its dying parent, Ha…
The construction collapses keep coming. One of the largest civil engineering firms in Adelaide has collapsed into administration, with 100 j…
Creditors meetings are being held around the country today as part of the next step in efforts to save the jobs of workers at the failed Has…
The collapse of diversified engineering firm Hastie is calamitous on so many levels. Thousands of employees could potentially be left wit…
The fallout from the collapse of construction services company Hastie Group has continued, with investors warning they may ready legal actio…
Construction firm Hastie Group and 44 of its subsidiaries have been placed in voluntary administration, leaving thousands of jobs at risk af…