Why is it that only a minority of start-up firms ever get beyond six employees and less than 5% ever develop to more than 20 employees? Even…

Why is it that only a minority of start-up firms ever get beyond six employees and less than 5% ever develop to more than 20 employees? Even…
One of the biggest impediments to growth is access to finance to fuel the investments needed to support growth. A business which is in a ste…
Most business plans are simply projections of the past. It is simply Excel madness. It is almost as if, by putting the data into Excel and p…
Dear Aunty B, We had a good year last year and my business partner and I are in two minds about what to do. We would both like to upgrade o…
Strategic innovation is the lifeblood of business growth and lasting profitability. It enables you to push the envelope of customer value cr…
Many entrepreneurs think that their business is sufficiently protected by having a superior product or service or by making the product or s…
Dear Aunty B, I have been making a small loss for years running my online business and I am determined to make a profit this year. But how?…
I have a friend who was complaining to me two weeks ago that he couldn’t understand why the press had stopped ringing him for a quote, after…
We are experts in our field and deliver a great service, why then is our business only barely profitable? This week’s story is of a bus…
Innovation, whether it is in product, process or business concept, enables the firm to step away from the pack and secure a greater level of…
Yesterday I caught up with a friend who works at an investment house, and has spent the last two weeks seeing a steady stream of chief execu…
No matter how good the product or service is, without being able to place them where customers can see them, try them and buy them, the firm…