Dear Aunty B, I have just found your website, while I was looking for a site to sell my business. So here is my problem in a nutshell. I s…

Dear Aunty B, I have just found your website, while I was looking for a site to sell my business. So here is my problem in a nutshell. I s…
Hi Aunty B, Last year our organisation went through massive turmoil. The CEO was given his marching orders and since that time we have been…
This article first appeared on June 9, 2010 Dear Aunty B, Our company is stagnant and we are stuck a bit in doing the same old, same old. H…
This article first appeared September 21, 2010. Dear Aunty B, I have been making a small loss for years running my online business and I a…
Business owners can substantially increase the value of their businesses if they can demonstrate that future levels of profit are higher tha…
Hail the New Year! A time when our minds are full of exciting possibilities for the next 12 months. But will the possibilities see the light…
This article first appeared July 6, 2010. Last week I attended a really great strategic planning retreat and I have had time to reflect on …
Dear Aunty B, A staff member who is the key to critical client relationships has just walked out my door with a quarter of my business! …
Dear Aunty B, We are three-years-old, established and looking at a myriad of opportunities. And that is our problem. Which do we choos…
Today SmartCompany finishes the special series it has been running for the last 17 weeks, based on the secrets of high growth companies, fr…
Dear Aunty B, This may sound trivial but I often have gut versus head battles. I usually end up trusting my gut, which is what all entrepre…
We have a customer that has been with us since the early days of our business. The trouble is they want us to do work that is non-core to ou…