With all the gloomy talk about the economy should I drop my prices to keep my volumes up? Lisa runs a very exclusive bespoke celebrati…

With all the gloomy talk about the economy should I drop my prices to keep my volumes up? Lisa runs a very exclusive bespoke celebrati…
Dear Aunty B, We are launching a new project and fingers crossed it will be a success! My question Aunty, is do we start bigger…
Dear Aunty B, I have an unusual problem and would like you to have a stab at it please. I am part of a very successful company …
Dear Aunty B, I am part of a team of fantastic individuals who started a business three years ago at the height of the GFC. Peo…
Hey Aunty B, I am just reviewing my targets for the next financial year. The last few months have not been as strong as anticipated and we…
Dear Aunty B, I have come in to take over as GM at an entrepreneurial company but chaotic would be a better description. No one seems to ha…
Dear Aunty B, I have a problem with my senior management team. They are extremely good at their jobs, highly efficient, dedicated, loyal, …
Dear Aunty B, I have been hoping that things would turn around. But we are stuffed unless I make some radical changes to my company. I knew…
The Chinese have a saying that loosely translates as, “Sacrificing the plum tree for the peach tree”. If you are more chess player than hort…
I was recently on the periphery of a project that went wrong. It would be improper of me to publicly air the gruesome details so I’ll hold b…
Just recently, RedBalloon celebrated the sale of one million RedBalloon experiences. At RedBalloon, one of our values is having fun, so you …
Dear Aunty B, I work for a very entrepreneurial company in Perth, but I keep being overlooked for senior positions. I have been with the co…