The Australian Greens will support the small business package that forms the heart of the federal government’s budget but the party’s sm…

The Australian Greens will support the small business package that forms the heart of the federal government’s budget but the party’s sm…
As of 7.30pm this evening, Australian small businesses with turnover below $2 million will be able to immediately deduct every asset the…
The Greens party has issued a discussion paper calling for companies that engage in international tax minimisation to be named and shamed an…
Calls for a national portable long service leave scheme have been renewed this week, with the Greens asking a federal parliamentary committe…
Energy Australia and four marketing and sales companies are in trouble with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission about their d…
The Greens’ claim that government is in the grip of business as the party moved to “sever” its power sharing arrangement with the Labo…
After all the complaints about the pain that was going to be caused by the mining tax, it now turns out the tax has been pretty painless all…
Business groups are calling on Prime Minister Julia Gillard to fulfil her promise to cut green tape, and strike down a Greens bill before Pa…
The Greens have introduced a bill into Parliament that would allow casual workers to request a move to full-time employment, with business g…
The Greens plan to introduce a new labelling system for food and produce to help shoppers better identify fruit and vegetables that are grow…
The Labor government hopes that the carbon tax is like the GST, so that when the sky doesn’t fall it will be accepted and everyone will …
Bob Brown has resigned as leader of the Australian Greens, and will also step down from his Senate position, it has been revealed. Greens …