Google’s Australian office has been responsible for some of the company’s key innovations, and now it’s delivered another update – a new a…
Google’s Australian office has been responsible for some of the company’s key innovations, and now it’s delivered another update – a new a…
Google is set to unveil its own tablet, the Nexus 7, at the Google I/O developer conference next week. According to BGR, numerous sources …
Market research firm StatCounter has fired back at Microsoft claims that its methodology is flawed, following the release of figures showing…
The number of users accessing the internet through a mobile device (including a smartphone or tablet computer) will soon exceed those who re…
Google has announced it will now provide developers with in-depth statistics about how their apps are performing in its Chrome Web Store, in…
Google is now harvesting code from up to 70% of all websites through its Google Analytics tracking code, according to new research. Tracki…
In a devastating blow to Google, businesses are being told to get up to speed with Yelp as quickly as possible after Apple decided to ditch …
A revamped operating system, a totally new MacBook Pro and integration with Facebook were just three of the biggest announcements from Apple…
Google has launched a new program to assure online consumers they’re buying from trustworthy websites, but it’s currently only available…
Google launched its Trusted Stores Program today which is aimed at giving online shoppers assurances that participating online retailers are…
Google has acquired mobile productivity app maker Quickoffice, ahead of a possible November release of Microsoft Office for tablet devices. …
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation is looking to increase the number of tablets, including Apple, Windows and Android tablets, as part …