Google has claimed more than 10 million users have downloaded its Google Maps service in the first two days since its re-release for iOS. …

Google has claimed more than 10 million users have downloaded its Google Maps service in the first two days since its re-release for iOS. …
Samsung is gearing up to unveil the next smartphone in its flagship Galaxy S series early next year, according to Korean press reports. Th…
Gumtree was the most searched for local brand in Australia this year, Google’s Brand Zeitgeist reveals, while Coles’ “Down, down” ca…
Online classifieds site Gumtree, supermarket giant Coles and web auctions leader eBay have all topped lists of Australia’s most popular Go…
UK retailer ASOS was as the most searched fashion brand in Australia this year, according to Google’s latest Zeitgeist report, while Sydne…
Gangnam Style, the Olympics and Hurricane Sandy – these are just three of the most common terms Australians have plugged into Google this …
It’s been a massive year in SEO. This week Jim Stewart takes a look at the year that was – and provides some tips on how to prepare for …
A group of leading tech companies, including Facebook, Google, Zynga and LinkedIn, as well as industry groups including the Electronic Front…
Google users experienced a series of overnight outages on key services, including Gmail and Google Drive. According to Reuters, some users…
US President Barack Obama might be the world’s most powerful person, according to Forbes, but there’s a handful of entrepreneurs on this…
Google has added a new feature to its Google Play store that allows businesses to distribute apps to employees through the service. Accord…
Every so often you need to give your SEO strategy a tune-up. This week, Jim Stewart goes over a four-step plan to make sure your websi…