Why Lego’s return to gender neutral toys is good news for kids
Lego announced this week it would work to remove gender stereotypes from its brand, including no longer marketing toys distinctly to boys or girls and ensuring products are gender-neutral.
Sexual harassment claims by non-stereotypical women less likely to be taken seriously: Research
Women who do not fit typical “feminine” stereotypes are less likely to be taken seriously if they claim they were sexually harassed.
People assumed it was a ‘lifestyle decision’ when I started my business: It’s time to ditch myths about female entrepreneurship
Until we change the way we talk about female entrepreneurship, we’re unlikely to make any real progress towards equality.
Entrepreneurship needs feminism: Why is it important we keep talking about gender inequality?
We asked some of Australia's best and brightest entrepreneurs: 'Why is it important we keeping talking about gender inequality?' Here's what they said.
Entrepreneurship needs feminism: When did you first realise sexism is rife in business?
We asked some of Australia's best and brightest entrepreneurs: 'When did you first realise sexism is rife in business?' Here's what they said.
Why the straight, white cis-man’s meritocracy is a fantasy
In the Australian startup ecosystem, meritocracy does not exist. We lack diversity at the angel, fund, founder, senior leadership and engineering levels.
Bread winners and cooked dinners: How flexible working can reinforce traditional gender stereotypes
Research shows flexible working arrangements can end up reinforcing traditional gender stereotypes if cultural norms go unchecked.
Walking into a headwind: The barriers women face trying to build science careers
Women make up half of all science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine PhD candidates and researchers — but only 20% of senior leaders.
An “uphill battle”: Scale Investors’ Ariane Barker on societal expectations and female entrepreneurship
Ariane Barker believes well-educated women are still struck by a pressure to find a balance between being the primary carer and having a career they want.
“Boys club”: The realities facing female investment managers
Female investment managers make up just 17% of employees in the industry, which is described as a boys club rife with gender bias and inequality.
“The best person for the job”: New research highlights confusion about merit and gender equity
Who is meritorious, what constitutes merit, and how merit and gender targets can operate together are widely misunderstood questions.
Do people of different gender identities process emotions differently?
"Men are from Mars, Women from Venus" was all the rage during the 1990s — but does your gender identity really determine your emotions in the workplace?