The Fair Work Commission is creating an interface for wage and entitlements data that it says could save businesses time and reduce the margin for error when paying employees.
Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations Tony Burke has provided further detail on Labor's minimum wage submission made this afternoon to the Fair Work Commission.
The employee was refused an extension of time for his unfair dismissal application after his termination of employment letter was sent to an email address that he did not check.
The government has pledged to ‘back small business’ by establishing a dedicated unit within the Fair Work Commission and providing millions in funding to the Small Business Ombudsman.
The employee was dismissed after making a series of posts to his Facebook page that were considered offensive, derogatory and inconsistent with his employer's values and policies.
A recent example of a FWC decision demonstrates why employees should not operate on the assumption that the only possible consequence of dismissing an employee is that they may be ordered to pay them compensation.
If the pay rises are implemented, it is anticipated that approximately 12,000 early childhood educators in about 8000 long day care centres will benefit from the change.