Dear Aunty,I have just started a new job and on my first day I was introduced by my new boss to a guy who has my job title! I was so astonis…
Dear Aunty,I have just started a new job and on my first day I was introduced by my new boss to a guy who has my job title! I was so astonis…
Software giant Microsoft has announced another 800 job cuts in order to save costs, on top of the 5,000 cuts announced earlier this year in …
A new survey by the Australian Industry Group has revealed that a third of companies are planning to cut their training budgets in the next …
Hi Aunty B, I have a small medical clinic as well as a medical conference company that I run out of the same offices. I have recently …
One of the first unfair dismissal cases under the new Fair Work Act suggests employers who find themselves appearing before an unfair dismis…
The IT industry will face a skills shortage next year due to a decline in the number of foreign workers on 457 visas, a new report from IDC …
Australia’s unemployment rate has fallen from 5.8% to 5.7% in September, despite predictions from economists that a sharp increase in job lo…
The improving outlook for sales and profits will lead around 14% of Australian firms to increase staff numbers in the last three month of th…
Australian Industry Group chief executive Heather Ridout says the Rudd Government must be prepared to make amendments to its Fair Work indus…
Battling car maker GM Holden will again take the axe to its workforce, with a yet-to-be-determined number of jobs to be slashed from the com…
Employer groups are demanding Federal Workplace Minister Julia Gillard intervene in the Australian Industrial Relations Commissions’ award m…
The new IR laws have been operating since July 1. But in the last week, I have had a number of employers asking me about how to let go staff…