There’s a debate raging at present – some say the future for property is bright while others suggest our markets are set to crash. Af…
There’s a debate raging at present – some say the future for property is bright while others suggest our markets are set to crash. Af…
Cutting the company tax rate by 5% would boost the economy and that would eventually generate enough extra tax to make up for the lost go…
When speaking to property investors they all tell me much the same thing… they bought their properties because they want to develop a d…
Online retail finance startup zipMoney now has $100 million in “firepower” to take on the major players.
The money is in the form of …
Uber and Airbnb came under significant scrutiny at yesterday’s Senate inquiry into corporate tax minimisation but there is actually ver…
Uber and Airbnb will take the stand at the Senate inquiry into corporate tax avoidance today in Sydney as part of the global push to boos…
I was recently rung by a journalist from one of the major daily news sites asking me for my predictions on the property hotspots for 2016…
A Melbourne-based skincare group that specialises in plant-based products has successfully jumped onto the Australian Securities Exchange in…
The Turnbull government should be focusing more on small business during the tax reform process if it wants to get the economy firing, ac…
The Turnbull government is shifting its focus from reforming the goods and services tax to flattening superannuation tax incentives in a …
Melbourne entrepreneur Lawrence Harris describes the million-dollar grant his ice-cream manufacturing business will receive from the Victori…
The federal government may increase the goods and services tax to 15% after a report by the Parliamentary Budget Office found the governm…