My business partner once said to me, ‘If business was easy, everybody would do it’. And I guess I have to agree. Persistence is one of the k…
My business partner once said to me, ‘If business was easy, everybody would do it’. And I guess I have to agree. Persistence is one of the k…
It is not often that I get to listen to a big business guy talk about his trials and tribulations inside a global business. I know that I of…
The American Express Global Customer Service Barometer found that Australians will pay more – in fact, up to 12% more if they just got bet…
I am quietly musing to myself – laughing on the inside really. I sat down to start this blog on June 3… more than a month ago – and it…
I have a question that I keep asking myself: Why are some workplaces committed to being great, while others are just plain awful – is it j…
More than three-quarters (77%) of employees would consider leaving their organisation if they weren’t recognised for their contribution, and…
I was introduced as a “social media expert” recently on Mornings on Channel Nine – this is something I had not really considered. I’m mere…
Sometimes all the good intent in the world still means that a customer does not come out of an interaction happy. The question I pose…
I have teenagers – their friends are beginning to get part-time jobs. I am fascinated to watch them learn and discover the world of work. …
I attended an eBusiness roundtable this week at which I learnt quite a few interesting things. Below is a list of things that I gleaned f…
Townsville is a long way physically from where I sit at my workplace in Sydney, but when I read a news article in the Townsville Bulletin he…
I was chatting with a friend yesterday and we were talking about how to teach our children the value of money. I remembered a presentation I…