Australian workers can now apply to the Fair Work Commission for an order to stop sexual harassment in the workplace, under changes that came into effect on Thursday.
The Fair Work Commission was required to consider an unfair dismissal application of an employee who was dismissed after she was requested to return to full-time work hours.
Employment lawyers say a decision on Monday to uphold the dismissal of an aged care worker who refused to get the flu shot last year should provide some reassurance to employers.
Small business groups support a push by industry to have temporary industrial relations flexibilities reinstated in a bid to support employers through the country's latest wave of coronavirus lockdowns.
The AWU’s case will be heard on Tuesday, where the union says it will argue the Horticulture Award should be amended so that every worker on every farm is entitled to the minimum casual rate of pay.
A recent example of a FWC decision demonstrates why employees should not operate on the assumption that the only possible consequence of dismissing an employee is that they may be ordered to pay them compensation.