You hopefully spend a lot of time thinking about plans and strategies for how to run and grow your business. But do you put the same amount …
Australian startup supergroup TechSydney looks set to hit its crowdfunding goal of $500,000 as it looks to pour fuel on its plan to transfo…
A startup’s journey to an exit is complex and one that shouldn’t be embarked on without careful consideration and planning, Melbourne Accele…
There are a number of items that need to be considered to get your business “sale ready”. It’s therefore not surprising nearly 80% of …
Founders need to be thinking about an exit for their startup “from the get go” to ensure it reaches its full potential, OneVentures m…
If a small business owner wants to sell their business but can’t find a buyer at the right price, what are their options? Unfortunately…
If you established your business under a company structure as part of the set-up process there would have been shares issued, so you probabl…