The government has revealed a range of measures to pay for the removal of the carbon tax, which prime minister Kevin Rudd said would cost th…
The government has revealed a range of measures to pay for the removal of the carbon tax, which prime minister Kevin Rudd said would cost th…
Emissions trading died in Nopenhagen last Friday and its death will have a huge impact on Australia. Over coming months business and c…
New Opposition Leader Tony Abbott’s sudden and completely leftfield declaration that his solution to climate change will not involve any car…
Before yesterday, Australia was going to end up with an emissions trading scheme that is basically the same as the United States’ model; aft…
The real reason why Malcolm Turnbull is in so much trouble is that he agreed to a bad emissions trading deal which pleased nobody, except th…
It’s hardly a surprise that the G20 finance ministers did not agree to splash cash on developing nations to help get a climate change treaty…
Three momentous changes will make 2010 another turning point in Australian history: the Aussie dollar at parity, the preparation for emissio…
The beautiful state of economic policy in this country, to the point of justifying an interest rate increase today, contrasts pretty sharply…